Online Business Model Canvas Generator

Easily map out your business strategy with our intuitive, drag-and-drop Business Model Canvas editor. Visualize, refine, and optimize your business plan in minutes, whether you're a startup founder or an established entrepreneur looking to innovate.

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Key Partnerships

Who are our Key Partners?

Who are our key suppliers?

Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?

Which Key Activities do partners perform?

Key Activities

What Key Activities does our Value Propositions require?

How do these activities impact our distribution channels?

How do these activities impact Customer Relationships?

Key Resources

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?

What are our resource distribution channels?

What assets are essential for Revenue Streams?

Value Propositions

What value do we deliver to the customer?

Which problems are we helping to solve?

What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer?

What makes our offering unique?

Customer Relationships

What type of relationship do our customers expect?

Which ones have we established?

How are they integrated with our business model?

How costly are they?


Through which channels do our customers want to be reached?

How are we reaching them now?

How are our Channels integrated?

Which ones work best?

Customer Segments

For whom are we creating value?

Who are our most important customers?

Cost Structure

What are the major costs in our business model?

Which Key Resources are most expensive?

Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Revenue Streams

What are our revenue streams? (e.g. Subscription, Ad, Donation)

For what value are our customers willing to pay?

For what and how do they currently pay?

How would they prefer to pay?

Objectives of the Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas serves several crucial purposes:
This helps to define your business’s core elements clearly.
This allows for an in-depth examina- tion of how different components of your business interact and influence.
Facilitates the development of new business models or the refinement of existing ones.
The Business Model Canvas makes it easier to understand and communicate how your business operates and delivers value by laying out the nine fundamental building blocks
When to Use the Business Model Canvas?
The Business Model Canvas is versatile and can be used at various stages of your business journey:
Startup Phase
To define and refine your initial business model.
Growth Phase
To adjust and scale your model as the market evolves.
When shifting strategies or exploring new business avenues.
Established Business
For ongoing optimization and strategic alignment.
9 Components of the Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas is divided into nine sections:
Customer Segments
  • For whom are we creating value?
  • Who are our most important customers?
Customer SegmentDescriptionNeed/ChallengesCharacteristics
Small BusinessesBusinesses with < 50 employeesCost-effective solutionsTech-savvy, budget-conscious
MillennialsIndividuals aged 18-34Trendy and affordable productsSocial media users, value experiences
Value Propositions
  • What value do we deliver to the customer?
  • Which problems are we helping to solve?
  • What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer?
  • What makes our offering unique?
  • Newness
  • Performance
  • Customization
  • Getting the Job Done
  • Design
  • Brand/Status
  • Price
  • Cost Reduction
  • Risk Reduction
  • Accessibility
  • Convenience/Usability
Value PropositionDescription
Innovative TechCutting-edge technology that simplifies tasks
Eco-Friendly ProductsEnvironmentally responsible products that appeal to conscious consumers
  • Through which channels do our customers want to be reached?
  • How are we reaching them now?
  • How are our Channels integrated?
  • Which ones work best?
  • How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Channel Phases
  • Awareness
  • Evaluation
  • Purchase
  • Delivery
  • After sales
Online StoreA website with e-commerce functionalitySales and customer engagement
Social MediaFacebook, InstagramMarketing and brand awareness
Customer Relationships
  • What type of relationship do our customers expect?
  • Which ones have we established?
  • How are they integrated with our business model?
  • How costly are they?
  • Personal assistance
  • Dedicated Personal Assistance
  • Self-Service
  • Automated Services
  • Communities
  • Co-creation
Relationship Type DescriptionHow to Build/Maintain
Personal AssistanceDirect interaction with customers for support Customer service team, personalized emails
Automated Services Self-service options through technologyFAQs, chatbots, online support
Revenue Streams
  • What are our revenue streams? (e.g. Subscription, Ad, Donation)
  • For what value are our customers willing to pay?
  • For what and how do they currently pay?
  • How would they prefer to pay?
  • Asset sale, Usage fee, Subscription Fees, Lending/Renting/Leasing, Licensing, Brokerage fees, Advertising.
  • List Price, Product feature dependent, Customer segment dependent, Volume dependent.
  • Negotiation (bargaining), Yield Management, Real-time-Market.
Revenue Stream DescriptionPricing Model
Direct SalesRevenue from selling products directlyFixed price, volume-based discounts
Subscription Recurring revenue from membershipsMonthly or annual fees
Key Resources
  • What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
  • What are our resource distribution channels?
  • What assets are essential for Revenue Streams?
Types of Resources
  • Physical
  • Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data)
  • Human
  • Financial
Key ResourceDescriptionImportance
TechnologySoftware and hardware needed for operationsHigh
Human ResourcesSkilled employees and teamsEssential
Key Activities
  • What activities do our Value Propositions require?
  • How do these activities impact our distribution channels?
  • How do these activities impact Customer Relationships?
  • Production
  • Problem solving
  • Platform/Network
Key Activity DescriptionImpact
Product DevelopmentDesigning and improving products Core
MarketingPromoting and advertisingHigh
Key Partners
  • Who are our Key Partners?
  • Who are our key suppliers?
  • Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?
  • Which Key Activities do partners perform?
Motivations for Partnerships
  • Optimization and economy
  • Reduction of risk and uncertainty
  • Acquisition of particular resources and activities
SuppliersProvide raw materialsEssential for production
Marketing AgenciesAssist with promotions and advertisingEnhance market reach
Cost Structure
  • What are the major costs in our business model?
  • Which Key Resources are most expensive?
  • Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Is Your Business More
  • Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing)
  • Value Driven (focused on value creation, premium value proposition)
  • Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities), Variable costs, Economies of scale, Economies of scope.
Cost TypeDescriptionImpact
Fixed Costs Costs that do not change with production volumeRent, salaries
Variable CostsCosts that vary with production volumeMaterials, commission
Tips for Creating an Effective Business Model Canvas
  • Keep It Simple: Focus on the key components. Avoid overloading the canvas with details.
  • Continuously Update: Regularly revisit and revise your canvas to stay aligned with market conditions.
  • Collaborate with Your Team: Involve various team members to gather diverse insights and ensure alignment.
  • Test and Validate: Experiment with different strategies and refine your model based on real-world results.
By following these tips, you can leverage the Business Model Canvas to clearly define your business strategy, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success.
How to Create Your Business Model Canvas Online
Creating your Business Model Canvas online is straightforward
Step 1
Access Our Online Generator
Use our sites online Business Model Canvas tool.
Step 2
Fill in the Sections
Enter information into each of the nine sections.
Step 3
Iterate as Needed
There’s no set order for filling out the sections—start where it makes sense for you, and adjust as you go.
Step 4
Update Regularly
Keep your canvas current with regular updates to reflect changes in your business environment and strategy.
Asked Questions
These are the most commonly asked questions about Business Model Canvas

How can a Business Model Canvas Generator help my business?

It helps by providing a clear, visual overview of your business model, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also facilitates better strategic planning and communication within your team.

Is the Business Model Canvas Generator suitable for startups?

It helps by providing a clear, visual overview of your business model, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also facilitates better strategic planning and communication within your team.

Do I need any special skills to use a Business Model Canvas Generator?

It helps by providing a clear, visual overview of your business model, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also facilitates better strategic planning and communication within your team.

Can I export or share the Business Model Canvas created with the generator?

It helps by providing a clear, visual overview of your business model, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also facilitates better strategic planning and communication within your team.

How do I choose the right Business Model Canvas Generator for my needs?

It helps by providing a clear, visual overview of your business model, enabling you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also facilitates better strategic planning and communication within your team.